This Week

Zionism Before, During and After the Nazis: A History of Collusion, with Tony Greenstein
To discuss the Zionist movement’s untold history of collaboration with fascism, including Nazi Germany, Rania Khalek was joined...
July 1, 2024
Freedom Side
‘Defenders of Apartheid’: Why the Democratic Alliance is a Disaster for South Africa’s Working Class
The African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa formed a coalition government with right-wing parties after losing their...
June 24, 2024
Doctors Back from Gaza Describe Horror: ‘Nothing Like We Have Ever Seen’
Eight months into Israel’s genocide in Gaza and relentless attacks on every hospital in the besieged territory, the...
June 24, 2024
US Imperialism in Crisis: Century of Bullying Boomerangs Into Resistance on All Fronts
Is the fierce resistance to the genocide in Gaza a sign of an imperialist system in crisis? What...
June 24, 2024
Support independent journalism for and by working-class people.
Biden’s ‘Red Line’ Was a Lie: U.S. Sponsored Massacre in Rafah
All eyes are on Rafah as Israeli forces murder Palestinians, even children in refugee camps designated as ‘safe...
June 10, 2024
Israel’s Real Plan: Expand War, Reject Ceasefire, and String Biden Along
Israel prepares for a bigger war in Gaza despite its failures and the global condemnation for the invasion...
June 10, 2024
People's Movements
Thousands of U.S. Students Arrested While Israel Invades Rafah
In a massive, nationally coordinated crackdown, the United States has arrested nearly 3,000 U.S. students in the last...
May 10, 2024
Student Uprising Spreads as US and Israel Plan Rafah Invasion
As the Pentagon and U.S. elite provide Israel more weaponry and urge a Mosul, Iraq-style mass demolition in...
May 2, 2024
Middle East
Zionism Before, During and After the Nazis: A History of Collusion, with Tony Greenstein
To discuss the Zionist movement’s untold history of collaboration with fascism, including Nazi Germany, Rania Khalek was joined...
July 1, 2024
US Imperialism in Crisis: Century of Bullying Boomerangs Into Resistance on All Fronts
Is the fierce resistance to the genocide in Gaza a sign of an imperialist system in crisis? What...
June 24, 2024
Israel Unmasked: A Serial Killer Society High On Hate, with Abby Martin and Rania Khalek
To discuss Israel’s holocaust in Gaza, Rania Khalek was joined by journalist Abby Martin, creator and host of...
June 12, 2024
Strip Away the Lies: Israel’s Naked Colonialism Nears Its End, with Prof. Joseph Massad
To discuss Israel’s genocide in Gaza and the myths its supporters use to justify it, Rania Khalek was...
June 10, 2024

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    Africa in resistance