
Super Bowl Dancer Speaks Out: They Wanted Us to Work for Free, But We Refused

Super Bowl half-time shows are one of the most watched events of the year, and very big business. So why were performers working for free?! Dancers recently joined together, fought, and finally won payment for their work in the Super Bowl this year.

Taja Riley, dance artist, athlete, and activist who’s performed in several Super Bowls, worked with the likes of Janet Jackson, Bruno Mars, Beyonce, Rihanna, and others, and fought alongside the Super Bowl dancers for this year, explains how manipulative the Super Bowl and the dance industry as a whole can be.

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about the author

Eugene Puryear

Eugene Puryear is a longtime journalist and community organizer currently-based in New York City. Eugene helped to organize a number of the large-scale demonstrations that took place against the continuing U.S. war and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, he was a key leader In the struggle to free the Jena Six in 2007, and a founder of the anti-gentrification group Justice First, the Jobs Not Jails coalition, DC Ferguson Movement and Stop Police Terror Project-D.C. Puryear is the author of the book Shackled and Chained: Mass Incarceration in Capitalist America, and spent five years in radio prior to helping found BT News.

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