RussiaThe Socialist ProgramU.S. War MachineUkraine

Ukraine War Escalates—And Nuclear War Threats Grow

The Ukraine war is escalating—dramatically. Russian President Putin & U.S. President Biden both made major and dramatic speeches in the last day, after a successful and U.S.-backed Ukrainian counter-offensive earlier in the week. What did Putin and Biden reveal in their addresses and where is this headed?

Brian is joined by Eugene Puryear, the host of the BreakThrough News podcast The Punch Out, co-host of the BT live video show The Freedom Side, and a writer, including the article “Should we really blame NATO for the Ukraine war?


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The Socialist Program with Brian Becker also comes out three times per week in podcast form — including weekly news round-ups and segments with economist Richard Wolff. Subscribe on your preferred listening platform here!

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about the author

Brian Becker

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