
Resistance Axis: Israel Can’t Fight All Fronts at Same Time, with Al-Jazeera Correspondent

What is the “resistance axis” and why does it matter in Israel’s genocide on Gaza? What is it like on the ground in Lebanon’s south where Hezbollah has been fiercely confronting the Israeli army in support of Gaza? What are the red lines for Iran and for Hezbollah? Does Yemen pose a threat and are they all coordinating or acting independently? And what would a regional war look like for the Americans and Israelis?


To answer these questions and more, Rania Khalek was joined by Al Jazeera English correspondent and columnist Ali Hashem.


This is just part of this episode. The full interview is available for Breakthrough News Members only. Become a member at https://www.Patreon.com/BreakthroughNews to access the full episode and other exclusive content.

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about the author

Rania Khalek

Rania Khalek is a Middle East-based journalist for Breakthrough News. Her work has also appeared at The Grayzone, The intercept, Truthout, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, Al Jazeera, The Nation, Salon, AlterNet, Vice and more.

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