The Daily Telegraph published an article accusing Russia and China of boosting musician and journalist Lowkey’s social media accounts, and other ‘pro-Palestinian influencers’, as part of a secretive campaign to promote a “pro-Hamas” narrative in Britain. Lowkey explains how the Israeli intelligence firm behind this report, Cyabra, is a revolving door for the Israeli Defense Forces and debunks each of its claims. Lowkey tells Rania and Eugene this is all part of Israel’s “shadow war” on its geopolitical adversaries and a desperate attempt to regain control of the narrative after failing to convince the world’s people to support the war on Gaza.
BreakThrough News is building the media arm of the movement. We tell the untold stories of resistance from poor and working-class communities — because out of these stories we will construct a different narrative of the world, as it is and in real time.
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